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December 20, 2022

Freedom of expression in the workplace

Many people trust the misleading phrase: “It’s a free country, I can say what I want.” That’s not entirely true, especially when it comes to freedom of expression in the workplace.

The First Amendment protects government employees from adverse employment action for exercising their free speech rights. However, the First Amendment does not establish or support a public policy that prohibits private employers from firing their employees for exercising their First Amendment rights.

This means that an employee cannot sue a private employer for a violation of the First Amendment because the First Amendment only restricts the government. There must be a legal basis to file a claim for wrongful termination based on freedom of expression.

An example of freedom of expression protected by law is when an employee complains about working conditions. If there is a condition at work that is dangerous, the employee has the right to make complaints about the work environment.


Political activity

There are some protections provided by the law concerning political activity. It is illegal for an employer to prevent employees from participating in politics (actively or expressing their opinions) or running for public office. If an employer attempts to coerce or influence employees by threatening dismissal or loss of employment if they continue or refrain from following a particular political activity course, that is also unlawful.

However, if a company has a neutral dress code that states that employees cannot wear clothing with personal or political messages, then the employee was justifiably fired for a dress code violation, regardless of the fact that your face mask, polo shirt, etc. included a political statement.


Activity outside of work

Employers shouldn’t be able to dictate what an employee does outside of work. Labor Code § 98.6 prohibits employers from firing, discriminating, retaliating, or taking adverse action against an employee for “legal conduct that occurs during non-working hours outside of the employer’s premises.”

December 13, 2022

Signs you are facing pregnancy discrimination in the workplace

Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their pregnancy status. In addition, according to the Family Medical Leave Act, employees who have been with their company for more than a year are entitled to at least 12 weeks of unpaid leave surrounding pregnancy and birth. 

Once upon a time, employers would use pregnancy as a reason to avoid hiring a woman or as grounds for termination. Back then, discrimination was blatant. It was not uncommon for a woman to be asked in an interview whether or not she planned to have children and base hiring decisions around that. Today, pregnancy discrimination is much more subtle, but it is very much alive. 

Here are a few examples of what modern pregnancy discrimination can look like:

  • You are pressured to leave a job based on your pregnancy status. This type of pressure can take many forms, but it is often done through guilt. If you hear something like, “I just don’t know how we are going to complete this work without you here… it would be so much easier to have someone on full-time who can stay in the position. We have some fantastic candidates applying for your position…”, that can be interpreted as pressuring you to quit your job.
  • You are not provided with reasonable accommodations. If your job requires you to lift heavy objects, your employer needs to find another solution for you during your pregnancy. Shifting responsibilities and having others lift for you is vital for both your health and the health of your baby. If they insist that you continue to lift heavy objects at your own risk, that can be considered discrimination.
  • Your job is not held for you during maternity leave. If you are replaced while you are out for 12 weeks recovering from birth, that can be considered discrimination under the law. 
  • You are given negative reviews saying that your pregnancy or your newborn are distracting you from completing your work duties. If this is said to you while you are maintaining your normal work output level, it could be a discriminatory practice, and your employer could be laying the groundwork to let you go.

If you believe you are facing pregnancy discrimination at work, contact Para Los Trabajadores today.

December 6, 2022

Employee Rights as a Disabled Person

If you’re disabled, your rights at work are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). This legislation completely changed the way people with disabilities were treated in the workplace, and largely leveled the playing field for everyone. For you to qualify for ADA protection, you must have a qualifying physical or mental limitation that affects major life activities, but you must also be able to perform the duties that are essential to your job. For example, if you use a wheelchair you can still perform the essential duties of a teacher. Or if you are hearing impaired you can still perform the essential duties of an accountant. Individuals in these situations would be covered by the ADA.

Rights under the ADA

Anyone protected by the ADA is entitled to reasonable accommodations that make it easier for the individual to do their job, or that allows them to take advantage of workplace benefits that non-disabled people enjoy.

The accommodations may include:

  • Modified training materials
  • Flexible work schedules
  • Modified or accessible equipment
  • Providing interpretation
  • Restructuring the job
  • Reassigning the disabled individual to another position

For example, it would be reasonable for the teacher who uses a wheelchair to expect a white board or chalkboard that has been adjusted to their height, and the deaf accountant can expect American Sign Language interpretation for company meetings. Both of those accommodations help the employees to do their jobs better without causing undue hardship or financial difficulty for their employer.

If you are disabled, it is important that you understand your rights under the law. A lot of workplaces will not be well-versed on the specifics of your condition, and it is completely appropriate for you to ask for what you need. All of the accommodations you desire may not come to fruition, but reasonable accommodations are protected under federal law. So speak confidently, and be clear about what you need in order to perform your job duties at the level of your peers.

November 22, 2022

How to identify if you have been wrongfully terminated in CA?

Most of the people working in California are working “at-will”. That means your employer can terminate your employment at any time without cause. Many people who are terminated or laid off then falsely assume that they have no recourse with their former employer. That is not true. There are several ways in which you can be wrongfully terminated in the state of California. If any of the following situations sound familiar to you, you may have been the victim of wrongful termination and you should seek legal council with our law firm immediately.

If you have been terminated in any way that relates to the reasons on this list, you have been wrongfully terminated:

Termination based on your protected class status. There are both federal and state laws in place to protect you from being terminated based on your status within a protected class. At work, you may not be discriminated against based on race, religion, color, national origin, physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity/expression, age, sexual orientation, or military/veteran status. If your employment is terminated based on anything on this list, you have been the victim of wrongful termination.

Termination based on retaliation. If you complain about workplace harassment or discrimination and are then terminated, you are likely the victim of retaliation, which is illegal under both state and federal laws.

Termination following a worker’s compensation claim. If you are injured on the job, but are then terminated after filing a worker’s compensation claim then you have been wrongfully terminated.

Essentially, employers cannot discriminate against you based on characteristics you cannot control, nor can they punish you for behaving morally within the workplace. Termination based on any of these attributes is not lawful, and at-will employment does not give your employer carte blanche. Anyone who treats their employees wrongfully deserves to be brought to task with a lawsuit.

If you or a loved one have been wrongfully terminated, then call us for help and representation. We can help you to stand up to your employer and secure the justice and compensation that you deserve.

Call us today to discuss the details of your termination. We can advise you on the most advantageous next step and represent you in a lawsuit.

November 8, 2022

What can be included in a settlement agreement?

A settlement agreement is made when a dispute is resolved between you and your company. There are certain things that your company can and cannot include. Be careful.

What your employer can include:

# 1 Waiver of Unknown Claims: Under California Civil Code section 1542, the company may ask you to waive the right to submit claims that you are not aware of at the time you settle.

# 2 Resignation: Your employer may include a requirement that you resign from your job.

# 3 Confidentiality. You can also agree not to disclose the amount of the payment you will receive and confidentiality regarding the details of the claims presented. (Except for claims of sexual harassment. Under California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1001, confidentiality cannot extend to the factual basis of the claim)

What your employer may NOT include:

# 1 Waiver of specific claims. There are specific claims that you cannot be forced to waive under the California Labor Code. They are related to wages and benefits and include:

  • Outstanding unpaid wages
  • Business expense reimbursement
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Compensation insurance

# 2 Prohibition to participate in administrative claims. Also, a settlement agreement cannot include prohibiting you from testifying and/or filing an administrative claim against the employer.

# 3 Ban on rehiring. Employers cannot include “no rehire” clauses in settlement agreements. Under section 1002.5 of the California Code of Civil Procedure, a settlement agreement cannot contain a provision that prohibits or prevents you from having future employment with the employer against whom you filed a claim (or any parent company, subsidiary, division, affiliate, or contractor of your employer). Said clauses would be considered void.

If you need help resolving an employment claim or have questions about settlement agreements, contact an employment law attorney.

November 1, 2022

Until when can you claim unpaid wages in California?

Have you recently discovered that your current (or former) employer did not pay you all of your wages? Perhaps you always knew that there was something wrong with your salary and paychecks, but you did not know your rights or did not have enough information to verify your suspicions.

After years of work, there could be thousands of back wages that you deserve but have not yet received. Your employer may owe you salaries in these cases:

  1. Minimum Wage Violations: California’s minimum wage is significantly higher than the federal minimum wage of $7.25. In certain states, employers can pay employees less than the minimum wage if they receive enough tips to make up the difference (called a “tip credit”). However, California does not allow a tip credit.
  2. Unpaid overtime: In California, employees are entitled to time and a half if they work more than eight hours in a day or 40 hours in a week; they are also entitled to time and a half during the first eight hours on their seventh consecutive workday.
  3. Unpaid breaks and time off: California grants employees the right to one 30-minute unpaid meal break and one paid 10-minute break for every four hours (or a significant fraction of four hours) worked.

Is it possible to do something in this situation? If so, will you be able to collect all that is owed to you?

California has some limitations on how long you can go back on an unpaid wage claim. The first thing to keep in mind is that you can file a lawsuit against a current or former employer. Second, you should know that you have up to four years – depending on the circumstances – to file your claim.

What do you need to make a claim?

It is beneficial to have supporting documents to make your claim. Some possible documents that you could use are:

  • Work time records
  • Returned paychecks
  • Pay stubs and paychecks
  • Employment information notice

Note: Unpaid wages may include unpaid commissions, unpaid vacations, and unpaid reimbursements for work expenses.

October 25, 2022

Employee or Independent Contractor?

Using a true independent contractor can relieve businesses of the many burdens imposed by California and federal labor laws, but simply calling someone an independent contractor does not make them one in the legal sense. What’s more, it could affect them. Mislabeling a worker as an independent contractor creates a tax and labor penalty liability due to the failure to meet the many legal obligations owed to an employee, such as wage and hour requirements.

California courts and administrative agencies have generally applied common law principles (policies not written but followed by custom) in determining independent contractor status. However, there have recently been significant advances in independent contractor legislation.

The Los Angeles Superior Court adopted a rigid “ABC test” to distinguish an employee from an independent contractor. However, the test was initially limited to the Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders application. The ABC test was codified and expanded, making it the general test to apply wage orders and unemployment and work insurance codes.

How to know whether you are an independent contractor or an employee?

The most important factor involves the independent contractor’s right to control the manner and means of achieving a result, even if the contractor does not exercise that right in every detail.

Under the ABC test, you are presumed to be an employee unless your company can prove that:

  • You are free from the control and direction of your contractor concerning the execution of the work
  • You perform work that is outside the usual course of your employer’s business
  • You are usually engaged in an established trade, occupation, or independently established business of the same nature as the work performed.

If your case is not one of those previously mentioned, you must be classified as an employee.

The consequences of misclassification

It is estimated that up to $1.5 billion in income, Social Security withholdings, and unemployment tax income are lost annually due to the misclassification of up to 3.5 million workers as independent contractors.

If you believe that you have been classified as an independent contractor when, you are actually an employee, do not hesitate to contact us. Demand your rights!

October 18, 2022

What to do if You’ve Been Misqualified as an “Independent Contractor”

Employers often prefer to classify their workers as independent contractors rather than employees. This is because working with independent contractors saves employers a lot of money. With independent contractors, employers do not have to contribute to Social Security and Medicare taxes, they do not have to pay unemployment insurance for the contractor, and they will not have to pay for worker’s compensation insurance for the contractor. Also, independent contractors do not enjoy employee rights like minimum wage, overtime pay, or sick pay.  

If you have been classified as an independent contractor but would prefer to receive employee benefits, it is important to determine whether or not you have been misclassified. You more than likely should be classified as an employee if the following criteria have been met:

  • You have received instruction on how to do the job and/or detailed training.
  • You have been provided with work equipment at no expense to you.
  • You have been reimbursed for business or travel expenses. 
  • You have no written client agreement.
  • You perform services that are part of the hiring entity’s core business.

If your employment status meets the criteria above, but yet you are still classified as an independent contractor, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Talk to your employer about reclassification. Once these items have been brought to their attention, they may choose to reclassify you without a battle.
  2. Upon your employer’s refusal to reclassify you, file IRS form SS-8. This will involve the IRS in determining your worker status for federal employment taxes and income tax withholding. Their determination may force your employer’s hand.
  3. If all else fails, call a labor attorney to discuss the details of your situation.

We may be able to help you make things right. 

October 11, 2022

How do I know if I am owed overtime pay at work?

Under California law, you are entitled to additional pay if you work hourly and exceed 8 hours in a single workday. Sadly, many employers fail to meet their legal obligation to pay workers their full wages for overtime work. Some employers go so far as to create confusing time entry systems, mislead employees, lie, and avoid paying their salaries.

Read on to find out if you are entitled to an additional payment.

Overtime in the state of California

Most hourly workers in California are owed 1.5 times their regular wage for every hour worked over 8 hours in a single workday. This amount increases to 2 times the salary if it exceeds 12 hours in a single working day.

Also, on the 7th consecutive day of work in a workweek, employers must pay employees 1.5 times the regular rate for the first 8 hours of work. After that, the rate of pay increases to twice the standard rate for each hour worked above 8 hours on the 7th consecutive day of work.

Are you an exempt or non-exempt employee?

If you are a manager or receive a salary instead of an hourly wage, you may not be owed overtime pay when your work hours exceed 8 in a single workday. However, even if you are paid wages, you may still be owed overtime pay if your total income is below a certain amount. If you have questions about whether you are being paid enough to be exempt from overtime pay, speak with an experienced employment law attorney.

Unfortunately, many employers wrongly classify their employees as “exempt” or managerial to avoid paying overtime wages.

Sometimes you are not the only one.

In many cases, non-payment of wages is not an isolated problem, and several of your co-workers may be affected. When that’s the case, a class-action lawsuit may be necessary to hold the employer accountable and get you and your co-workers the wages owed to you.

October 4, 2022

Discriminatory Practices in Workplaces in California: Gender Discrimination

It is illegal for employers to pay certain employees less depending on their gender under the California Equal Pay Law. Despite this, surveys and statistics reveal that women earn 79 cents for every dollar men earn for doing the same jobs. As a working person in California, you should know your rights and options if an employer is engaging in discriminatory wage practices.

How does California apply the Equal Pay Law?

In a relatively recent development, the California Equal Pay Act now requires employers to report how much employees earn and the functions of their jobs. In addition, the Equal Pay Act requires the ethnicity, race, and gender of employees to be reported so that the data can be quickly examined. This information helps the state investigate employers when allegations of gender discrimination or illegal wage practices arise.

If you believe that your sex/gender is a reason you are being paid less, you can work with an employment law attorney and file a wage claim.

These are possible indicators that you are being discriminated against in your workplace:

  • You are assigned more work without any promotion or pay increase that reflects the new load.
  • You work more hours than you should for the same amount of pay.
  • You are rejected for promotions or raises despite having higher qualifications than your co-workers.
  • You have observed a trend in the company where people of a specific gender receive promotions and pay raises much more quickly and frequently.

These are just some of the signs that could suggest a significant problem of discrimination in the workplace. There may also be other signs unique to your job or industry. If you suspect or believe that you are not being paid fairly, consider contacting a California employment law attorney to learn about your options. Para Los Trabajadores is here to help you.
